Does freelancing affect my student loans?

It is possible, but not always the case. Read on for a detailed answer.

In some cases, it may affect your student grant. In 2020 and 2021, there is no limit on additional income. The additional income limit for 2022 is €15,828.77.

HBO & University

Are you studying at a university or HBO study programme and do you fall under the latest loan system? Fortunately, you can earn as much as you want. This has no effect on your student grant. Do you still fall under the old student finance system? Then the additional income limit also applies to you. 


Students who receive a scholarship, loan or travel product for an MBO study programme must take into account the additional income limit. For 2022, this limit is € 15,828.77. As a rule, you will not easily exceed this limit as a full-time student. However, it is important that you keep an eye on this when you are working a lot next to an MBO study! 

Would you like to know more about freelancing while studying? Then click here for more information.