What do I need to consider as a freelancer?

Tax returns, money matters, insurance, cancellation of services and the responsibility that flexible working brings.

📍Tax return

As a freelancer, you are responsible for doing your own tax returns; income tax and sales tax (VAT return). Through Level.works, you get paid gross and with VAT. It is up to you to keep the amount you have to pay aside. Once a quarter, as a flexworker, you must file a tax return. There is one exception: if you use the small business scheme. You also have to declare income tax annually. You may then also have to pay income tax. For this it is also important to have some money set aside. 



As a freelancer, it is important that you keep your money in order. You should save and keep track of the invoices and receipts you receive. Do you lose them easily? Look at apps, such as Rompslomp, where you can scan everything and have it at hand online. You are legally obliged to keep your records for up to 7 years. 



Freelancers are responsible for taking out their own insurance. When you work through our platform, however, you automatically have company liability and accident insurance. As a freelancer, you should consider whether you need additional insurance. Think, for example, of disability insurance. 


📍Cancellation period

Something may come up and you may not be able to work your claimed service after all. This is not a problem if it is within the cancellation period. The cancellation term differs per client and is indicated with the shift. Are you unable to work last-minute due to illness? Contact the client's contact person. It is important to communicate this well. The client may choose to give you a no-show with penalty. In addition, it is of course nice to build up a good relationship with a client.



As a freelancer, you have a responsibility to appear professional to clients. Make sure you are on time for the shift, communicate well and carry out your tasks. In this way, you keep the client happy and your shifts run smoothly.