How does flexworking work with a foreign ID?

With a residence permit, foreign passport and proof of identity, it is allowed to work via if you can provide a VAT ID.

:round_pushpin:Are you not in possession of a Dutch passport or identity card? A foreign proof of identity is also okay to start at How does this work?
  • Residence permit
If you are in possession of a residence permit, you must verify the front and back. It is a requirement that is stated on the back of the permit: “Work freely permitted. Work permit not required." If this is not the case, your identity verification will be rejected and you will unfortunately not be able to work through our platform.
  • Foreign ID card
A foreign identity card is only accepted if it is a European Union identity card. All other identifications are rejected. You must also provide a Citizen Service Number (BSN) statement. You can obtain the BSN statement by requesting an extract from the municipality or by showing a Dutch driver's license.

  • Foreign Passport

If you are in possession of a foreign passport, you will be asked to take a photo of two documents: a photo of the front and back of your foreign passport and a photo of your BSN statement. Please note that the photos are the original document, not a photo of a photo or screen. You can request a valid citizen service number (BSN) from the municipality or by showing a Dutch driver's license. However, this does not apply to a residence permit.

Once we have successfully completed the ID verification, you can get started via!


Here you can read (in Dutch) more information about working as a freelancer with a foreign ID.


Note: It is the intention that you upload a readable photo of your residence permit, passport and identity card. Not the driver's license, because that is not accepted. It is important that the document is not scratched, cracked or blocked by scratches or smudges. Also make sure to always upload a photo of the original document. Therefore, do not take a photo of a (printed) photo.